Available Kittens
Croshka has been breeding Siberians since 1994. We take pride in the fact that our cattery is Georgia State Licensed. Please look at my kittens below that are Hypo-Allergenic Cats to most allergy-suffering people. I prefer all communications to be by phone, call me at 678-859-2657 (located in GA). When you call we can talk about which Siberian kitten for sale best fits your family. No text messages please. Occasionally we will have adult retired breeder cats available.
Croshka Siberian Kitten prices effective 7/1/2023
BEAUTIFUL- Tabbies STUNNING- Colorpoints & Goldens – $2600
RARE- Bimetallic, Solids, all colors of Silvers & Smokes – $2600
Our kittens are all sold as family pets, not for showing or breeding and will be registered with TICA (The International Cat Association). Registration papers will be sent after verification from the Veterinarian has been received of their spay or neuters. All kittens will come with a written one-year health guarantee against death within the first year to a genetic defect. All of our adult breeding cats are DNA tested with Optimal Selection powered by Wisdom Health. This DNA testing includes 40+ genetic health tests, plus blood type, along with traits and genetic diversity. The Croshka health guarantee is only valid if you follow all requirements that are listed on the contract. We are no longer shipping our kittens or meeting at the airport in Atlanta. All kittens must be picked up in person in Winder, Georgia at Croshka Siberians location.
The full money amount of the kitten price is required in order to have the kitten secured and held for you until 12-14 weeks of age. If a cancellation is made by the buyer 1/2 of the kitten price is refunded. The MONEY IS REFUND WHEN THE KITTEN IS RESOLD, OR YOU CAN BE PLACED ON A LIST FOR A FUTURE KITTEN of your choosing. If there is a loss of the kitten before the 12-14 weeks of age the full amount paid will be applied to your new kitten of choice when available.
Effective August 10, 2022
Croshka Siberians waitlist is now open again and accepting new family applicants. We pause our waitlist occacationaly to help keep our waitlist numbers down. Our goal is to fill the upcoming litters with the waiting families as quickly as possible as kittens are born.
Families must fill out our application located below on this page of the website. The application for a kitten will be delivered to my email. After the application is submitted it is up to the Family to contact me for a personal phone interview. All kittens are sold as pets only not to be bred.
There is a $500.00 waitlist Fee which must be sent in order to be added to my waitlist. This fee is Non Refundable if you choose to cancel placement and not wish to continue on the list. When you choose a kitten when offered the fee can then be applied toward the price of the kitten.
Prices are only guaranteed to remain the same for one year after being placed on the waitlist. After one year they adjust to current kitten prices.
All kittens must be picked up in person at my location in Winder, GA.
Like our Facebook page Croshka Siberian Cats & Kittens, https://www.facebook.com/
We are GA State Licensed (when looking for a breeder always make sure they have the proper license for their State if required )
Join My Wait List for Upcoming Litters of Kittens
Like my Face Book Page https://www.facebook.com/SiberianCatPage....To join my wait list fill out kitten application and call me for your personal…Siberian Kittens
Variety of Colors
Our Siberian cats and kittens come in a rainbow of Russian colors.
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