Got Allergies?
After many years of breeding Siberians and having many people visiting my home, I started to notice that people with cat allergies could tolerate the Siberian. I myself am allergic to cats and I have no problem with them. Some Siberian breeders have thought that the Siberians may have reduced cat allergens called FEL D1. This allergen is extremely potent. Secretions from the glands of the skin are the primary source of FEL D1, but it is also deposited on the fur through the saliva when they clean themselves. Siberian kitten litters sell out fast, so reserve your Siberian kitten today!
Very Affectionate…
The Siberians have a wonderful dog like purrrrrrrsonality and they are very affectionate!!! A Siberian never runs off and hides under a chair or bed when seeing a stranger. Unlike many breeds this breed will come over and greet the stranger. They are very intelligent and learn quickly and even “problem solve” to get what they want. They love to be spoken to and will come running if called by name. Siberian kittens sell out fast, so reserve yours today.

Beautiful Siberian Cats
Siberian Kittens Available
Siberian Kitten Litters in Georgia
Croshka is based in Winder, GA which is about one hour north of Atlanta, Georgia. All kittens must be picked up in person at our cattery location by car with arranged appointments. No shipping is available or meeting at the Atlanta airport.
GA State Licenced